Friday, January 15, 2010

New & Improved Facebook Meme

This little meme has made several rounds ‘round the Intertubes and I thought it needed…refreshing. ENJOY!

Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I pimp-slapped
March----------I karate chopped
April------------I dropped a 16-ton weight on
May------------I choke slammed
June-----------I did the deed with
July------------I did the significant other of
August--------I mopped a dirty, sticky floor with
September----I snogged
October-------I incessantly berated
November-----I spit on
December-----I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------mich*el steele
2-------r*d blagojevich
3-------the entire f*x “news” mo(u)rning show cast
5-------Simon Cowell
6-------Deh Debil
7-------h*rry p*tter
8-------glenn b*ck
9-------r*sh limb*agh
10-------d*ck ebersol
11-------jay leno
12-------pat robertson
13-------t*by keith
14-------the entire “cast” of “jerkey shore”
15-------m*rk mcgwire
16-------d*ck cheney
17-------barry b*nds
18-------every tea-bagger
19------- bill *’reilly
20-------jeff z*cker
21-------people using “socialism” wrong
22-------(Up)chuck n*rris
23-------every “character” in “Twilight”
24-------ann c*ulter
25-------l*z cheney
26-------miley cyr*s
27-------sarah p*lin
28-------steve j*bs
29-------karl r*ve
30-------the guy who sings “Pants on the Ground”
31-------the 2 llamas with hats

Pick the last number of the year in which you were born:
1--------- in my front yard
2 --------- in the town square
3 --------- in the Lincoln bedroom
4 --------- in your FACE!
5 --------- on camera
6 --------- all over youtube
7 --------- in front of the gathering hordes
8---------- …that would hafta be in the butt, Bob…
9 -------- in the lake…BIG lake!
0 -------- in public

Pick the main color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because of the rottenness and e-Vil in me.
Black---------because I take Veni, vidi, vici literally.
Pink-----------because L‘il Wayne did it too!.
Red-----------because the meds ran out.
Blue-----------because I’ve been touched by His Noodly Appendage.
Green---------with hee-larious! results....
Purple---------because I'm a professional and amateur hour was OVAH!!!
Gray----------because the hooker with a penis told me to and he/she's my leader.
Yellow---------because I forgot what 8 is for and this helped me remember.
Orange--------because it desperately needed doing.
Brown---------because I can‘t be stopped, helped, nor contained.
Other----------because I was offered a reality show.
None----------because my Netflix account was suspended and I‘m bored….

Then, combine the results into a sentence.

Mine would then be:

I dropped a 16-ton weight on pat Robertson…that would hafta be in the butt, Bob…because I was offered a reality show.

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