Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Oh, NOZE! Ah...ah can’t believe it! Repukes WON!?! The Commonwealth of Virginia and...and...Jersey.... Jersey.... (Well, what makes New Jersey palatable...? I got nuttin'.) ...both lost...utterly lost....

Oh, mah…someone get mah good faintin’ couch…. (Not THAT one, ya stupid git; the one with the comfy pillows, crushed velvet upholstery, and extra large cup holders…don‘t forget the Mint Julep.…) That’s bettah! Back to panic….

Whatevah shall we DO without VA and NJ? Ah mean…besides have better hair, fewer guidos, and nearly all our teefs? Really!?! The thought of a traditional Red state like VA going (R) again after voting (D) once in the last 30 years…it’s a SHOCKAH! (...much like that unfortunate incident involving a confused frat boy and drunken Jersey girl...but Ah digress...again....) And N.J.! That’s a bad, BAD l’il Garden Gnome--I mean, State!

Look, those gubernatorial races were little more than panicky voters in a couple of distressed states (are there any other kind of either right now?) combined with a collective ADD expecting the Dems to fix in 8 months what it took Rethugs 30 years to ruin…and not getting it now, Now, NOW!!!!! However, it is a bit of a wake-up call…

And there’s only one appropriate response:


Bring the Audacity, not of Hope, but of Action.

Stop asking the Disloyal Opposition for input; stop seeking their permission; do what you were sent to do. Say clearly, “This is our vision; this is how we’re gonna do it.” Then…enact those initiatives without compromise. Go ahead and stake your future on your actions. There is little better than doing what needs done, despite vicious attacks, and being right. And if it turns out you're wrong...then you didn't deserve to be there in the first place.

Be bold; Be bold now.

(BTW, a big congrats to Bill Owens, who won the heavily Republican NY 23rd district, despite the fact Palin, Huckabee, and several other BLARGLERS! bullied the moderate republican out in favor of the far more right-wing (and in their twisted minds, more republican) Conservative Party candidate. That's a wake-up call to repubs, too: just keep on keepin' on...ride your reckless brand of faux-conservatism directly into irrelevance. That way, when your done, the adults (read: moderates on both sides) can go back to having the grown-up conversations again.)

Oh, mah delicate sensibilities!

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