I don't
always respond to ridiculous right-wing hate mail sent to me through my work's e-mail network, but when I do, it goes a l'il summin-summin like this:
"While I realize nothing penetrates the right-wing bubble, on the
off-chance there are people on this list who MIGHT pretend to be open
minded, let's just take each of these idiotic pieces of...whatever ya
wanna call 'em...in turn. I've numbered them for easy reference.
1. Clever. Almost as clever as the architect who designed the pole barns in the background.
2. " The idea that we’re all in it together — that I am my
brother’s keeper;
I am my sister’s keeper — that is a value. But they’re still talking
about you as if you’re some greedy special interest that needs to be
beaten. Since when are hardworking men and women special interests?"
~President Obama.
That looks like a whole LOTTA "We the people."
Or do you prefer Romney's nugget: "All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon
government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the
government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they
are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That
that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And
they will vote for this president no matter what.... These are people
who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income
3. Jesus also worked for change; so did
Gandhi; so did George Washington. Damn socialistic commie/
nazi/fascist hippies....
Birthers are the lowest form of political scum in America, but let's address that thinly disguised racist tripe, briefly: what
peddle is that in the late fifties and early sixties, a group conspired
to plant fake paperwork in the state of Hawaii JUST IN CASE a bi-racial
child of a
broken home might just be able to become president and...and what?
Increase foreign aid to Kenya? Uh...make us all "socialists"? Get rid
of the
5. Ah, St. Reagan. The guy who was a former president of a union
(SAG) and raised taxes 11 times while exploding the federal budget and
deficit. *sniff*
6. No. I'm embarrassed actual Conservatives (note the capital
"C") didn't reel in horror from the reckless Bush years, go back to
their roots and come back this year with an Eisenhower Republican.
me get this straight...the last time we
elected a privileged, rich, "businessman" who inherited MILLIONS and
leaned on his alleged religious beliefs, he got 8 years to create the
smoking crater that used to be the U.S., but the B.L.A.C.K. guy gets
just THREE and change to try to fix it and some people wanna replace him
with an even MORE privileged jackass who wants to return to then
double-down on the dumbass policies of Dubya.
Do I have that right...?
To re-phrase: HELL, NO, I'm not embarrassed I voted for President Obama! Can't WAIT to do it again!
7. She keeps using words to which she clearly doesn't know the meaning. If
a "Marxist," he's the worst one EVER, considering the DOW and NASDAQ
are near historic highs, as are corporate profits. And if he wants to
be a "dictator," y'all wanna explain how every
POS tea party member in the House STILL has their head on their shoulders and not on a pike outside the capitol?
8. How do I like my change? Just fine, thanks. I like my
GMs alive and bin
dead. "And, also," to quote Sarah
Palin, I still have all my precious guns and can talk all the crap I want without fear President
Obama's drones are listening.
To the owner of that sign and all who give credence to its "message": Grow a pair,
moran [sic].
9. Stimulus worked; more terrorists killed in
Obama's first TWO years than all of Bush's eight; not according to auto maker
and stockholders; not according to the private insurance cos.; only for
children smuggled or otherwise brought here by parents without breaking
laws themselves AND the DREAM Act was/is a republican idea, and; that's a REPUBLICAN idea,
10. America's broke, huh? Then how the HELL are we paying for wars started by
Dubya AND giving money to Israel?
11. If you didn't whine about
Dubya turning a balanced budget into a record deficit within his first two years...shut yer Koch-hole.
12. So was Mitt Romney...until he wasn't...except in the case of rape & incest...dammit, now he's not.
13. Wow. Nice plagiarism. In 1982, Michael Barnes told a gathering of
roughly 150 union leaders that, "for a working man or woman in this
country to vote Republican in 1982 would be like a chicken voting for
Col. Sanders." Holds true today....
14. Racist much?
*Anti-Choice? Don't have an abortion.
*Don't like gay
marriage? Don't marry a gay person.
*Hate taxes? Send President Obama a
thank-you card for the multiple tax DECREASES he's given the middle
class, including the payroll tax credit. (Psst: that last one is the
one Mitt wants
to take back while giving HIMSELF another tax break.)
*I still have ALL
my guns and we have NO new regulations.
Betcha no one but me has the guts to forward THIS."
And remember: always,
ALWAYS hit "Reply All."